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Topic Sentences

Topic sentences are incredibly important to the drafting process, especially if you are concerned with your organization or structure. Topic sentences occur at the beginning of a paragraph and signal to the reader what the main point of that paragraph is. For example, if you were writing a paper about one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eaters, a topic sentence for one of your paragraphs could be: “Because of the creature’s one horn, it is considered one of the most deadly hunters in modern times.” Your reader will then know that paragraph is dedicated to the fascinating hunting skills of the purple people eater. Topic sentences also help you, as a writer, ensure that you are not discussing more than one main point within a paragraph. These sentences allow you, when you are further along in the process and revising your paper, to double check and make sure your information is organized and linear rather than scattered throughout numerous paragraphs. It’s a mini checks and balances system for your paper!

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