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Writing Fellows

About the Program

The Noel Studio works in collaboration with the First Year Writing Program and Department of English to implement a Writing Fellows program designed to provide additional feedback and support for writers in ENG 101: Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric.

Writing Fellows are undergraduate students specifically trained to consult students in ENG 101 inside and outside of class while students are engaged in writing activities. Writing Fellows are assigned one ENG 101 class and offer focused feedback on questions and issues commonly encountered by first-year writing students. Writing Fellows attend the class sessions to which they are assigned each week.  They work with the instructor to facilitate individualized and small-group peer-review sessions that support the outcomes set forth for each essay and those established for the course. Writing Fellows work closely with the instructor throughout the course to establish a clear understanding of goals, expectations, and requirements for each of the assigned essays in advance.

Writing Fellows Expectations

  • Meet once per week as a group and participate in training and professional development.
  • Attend the classes they are assigned and arrive early in preparation to support the instruction taking place in class that day.
  • Work side-by-side with instructors and complement classroom instruction and activities to support successful writing.
  • Work closely with the instructor to discuss due dates for drafts and final submission. Drafts will be due ten days (or about two weeks) before the final to ensure that Writing Fellows will have ample time to discuss writing with students.
  • Meet with students in class as determined in advance and outside of class in the Noel Studio or other public spaces on campus.
  • Meet with the instructor before each essay is assigned to discuss expectations and outcomes for each assigned paper in advance.
  • Meet with the instructor as necessary to discuss questions and comments about writer progress and feedback.
  • Submit weekly updates and reports.

Program Details

Writing Fellows work 15 hours per week. Weekly schedules will be set in advance before the semester begins and will include:

  • ENG 101 class attendance (3 hours per week)
  • Meeting with faculty (1 hour per week; note that meetings will be necessary during the first few weeks of the semester and around drafting times; Writing Fellows will add this hour to consultation time when not meeting with faculty)
  • Seminar (1 hour per week)
  • Class-by-class consulting hours (10 hours)

Schedules will be set in advance in collaboration with the Writing Fellow, faculty, and department.

Become a Writing Fellow

All Writing Fellow positions are currently filled. Please email Dr. Russell Carpenter if you are interested in applying for Writing Fellow positions in the future. 

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