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Most people tend to skip the planning stage of the writing process, but this is the stage that can help you organize your thoughts, discover holes in your information, and ensure that you intend to address all of the requirements of your assignment.

Strategies and Modes

Consider what type of essay you’re writing and any research that might be involved in your topic. While your assignment may only be labeled as one mode (i.e., a narrative, an argument, etc.), you will likely need to synthesize many strategies and modes to create a finished product. Understanding the components of your essay is key to planning. 


Once you’ve gathered information, you should consider the structure of your writing—how to organize the information to most easily convey your message to your audience. One of the most common methods of planning is outlining. Through outlines, you can change and manipulate the progression of the paper as you like without worrying about disrupting the entire project. While the structure of every essay varies depending on its audience, context, and purpose, there are basic structures that you can rely on to plan your first draft:

Planning a Narrative

Planning a Comparison and Contrast

Planning a Definition

Planning a Cause and Effect

Planning an Evaluation

Planning an Analysis

Planning a Synthesis

Planning a Research Argument

Planning a Persuasive Argument


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