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About the Consultations

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity’s primary service is the consultation. We offer free, individualized support with communication projects and products for any EKU undergraduate or graduate, by appointment or on a walk-in basis. You can reserve hour-long appointments to work with a consultant (small groups are welcome). However, walk-in consultations will normally last 25-30 minutes and occur on a consultant- and space-available basis. To schedule an appointment, see Scheduling an Appointment.

In the Noel Studio, you will work with a trained consultant to establish goals for the session and collaborate in order to refine your communication product.  Some sessions goals might include:

  • choosing a topic
  • organizing thoughts and ideas
  • researching, drafting, and revising
  • improving grammar, punctuation, and clarity
  • developing persuasive appeals
  • arranging effective collaboration and group dynamics in presentations
  • citing sources properly according to MLA, APA, or CMS
  • developing effective speech communication practices
  • thinking critically and creatively about a topic or communication piece
  • asking questions
  • understanding media options and uses

We can help you develop strategies to improve your communication practices and products. It's up to you to determine how to use our advice and make decisions regarding your own communication piece. We do not guarantee better grades, nor do we proofread or edit.

The Noel Studio is designed to encourage you to become an active participant in the collaborative communication process, helping you to become a more informed critical and creative thinker who communicates effectively.

Any currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate at EKU can visit the Noel Studio for assistance with any communication project. Our services are not designed to fix communication “problems.” Instead, we support you as you hone your communication skills. Seeking feedback from an informed and objective audience is an important part of successful communication. Keep in mind that we work with students from all EKU colleges and departments, for both academic and non-academic communication projects. Whether a student is writing a research paper or lab report, preparing for a collaborative speech, or developing a digital narrative, we are here to help.

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