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Applied Creative Thinking Students Collaborate with Business Incubator

CRE 101 Students Visit the Business Incubator

Students in the Noel Studio’s CRE 101 course are collaborating with EKU’s Business Incubator through the newly established iVenture program. Throughout the semester, students hone skills in applied creative thinking and apply them to a variety of academic, professional, and business contexts.

Students are also developing innovative business ideas and products through a collaboration with the EKU Business Incubator. CRE 101 students participate in regular workshops intended to help them develop their creative concepts into some of the region’s most innovative products.

In future semesters, students will have the option to take CRE 201, which focuses on innovations in applied creative thinking. Students can view a full list of courses for the Minor in Applied Creative Thinking offered through the Noel Studio. 

Contact Information

Dr. Russell Carpenter

Published on September 26, 2013

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