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The Noel Studio requires a large staff to accommodate all of the services we offer. Our administrative staff consists of a director, three coordinators, a media producer, and an administrative assistant. The Advisory Committee consists of an interdisciplinary group of leaders from across campus who provide insight into the growth and development of the Noel Studio. The Applied Creative Thinking curriculum committee reviews course proposals and curricular materials. Our student staff members-known as consultants-consist of graduate M.A. students, graduate research consultants, and undergraduate students from across the disciplines.

Feel free to click on the links below to meet the individual students who serve a variety of consultant roles within the Noel Studio:

  • Graduate M.A. Consultants and Undergraduate Consultants help analyze assignments, facilitate brainstorming, planning, and drafting, provide feedback on structure and content, and model strategies for polishing your communication projects.
  • Graduate Assistants
  • Writing Fellows provide additional support for first-year composition students in ENG 101. The Writing Fellows are undergraduate students specifically trained to consult students in ENG 101 inside and outside of class while students are engaged in writing activities. Writing Fellows are assigned one ENG 101 class and offer focused feedback on questions and issues commonly encountered by first-year writing students at EKU.   
  • Desk Consultants and Office Assistants manage the many spaces and consultations of the Noel Studio. They serve as your primary contact for scheduling appointments, reserving Breakout Spaces or Practice Rooms, and provide information at our main desk.
  • Media & Special Projects













Trade hours with another consultant

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