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Services for Faculty and Staff

What is the Noel Studio?

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity is a student-focused integrated support service for writing, communication, and research. Our primary service is the consultation, a peer-to-peer conversation about a student's communication project or product focused on the student's questions, ideas, and expectations. To learn more about the consultations and space, see About the Consultation.

In addition to consultations, the Noel Studio supports campus writing, communication, and research intiatives with technologically sophisticated spaces (see About the Space), and resources and workshops designed to support the development of creative and effective writing, communication, and research practices in every discipline.

Collaborate with the Noel Studio

  • The Noel Studio offers a diverse selection of requestable workshops and Active Learning Toolkits that explore interdisciplinary writing and communication topics. We will work with you to adapt our workshops and toolkits to meet assignment, course, and/or discipline needs, or to co-design new ways to support your assignments and students. Learn more by visiting Collaborate with the Noel Studio

Help us Connect with Your Students

  • Want your students to see the Noel Studio for themselves? Visit us in the Noel Studio for a 20-30 minute guided tour and overview of our services by requesting an orientation at Request an Orientation.

  • Not sure you have time for a full orientation? The Noel Studio makes house calls! Invite a Noel Studio representative to your classroom for a short 10 minute presentation about our spaces and services by visiting Request a Presentation.

  • Can't fit a presentation or an orientation into an already packed semester? Request informational packets for your students by completing the Get to Know the Noel Studio! Packet Request Form.

  • Plan on including the Noel Studio's services in your syllabus? If so, please consult Syllabus Recommendations for helpful tips and syllabi language.

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