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Syllabus Recommendations

What is the purpose of the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity?

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity serves the EKU community as a collaborative, innovative learning experience dedicated to the improvement of communication and research skills through critical and creative thinking.

How do I recommend the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity to my students?

Consider mentioning in your feedback to students: “Your research would have been more convincing if you had supported your argument with documentation. For your next project, consider bringing your draft to the Noel Studio to discuss strategies for integrating research into your work.”

Students are more likely to integrate feedback from their Noel Studio visits if they have adequate time to reflect on their experience. Please encourage students to be proactive by visiting the Noel Studio with plenty of time to spare before their assignment is due.

Also, consider mentioning the Noel Studio on your syllabus. Include the phone number (859.622.7330), website URL (, and e-mail address (

Brief Syllabus Recommendation:

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity is a free resource for the EKU community, including graduate and undergraduate students. At the Noel Studio, a trained consultant will work with you or your small group on any piece of written or oral communication, at any stage in the process from brainstorming to finished product. Consultants can also help you develop effective research strategies. For more information, visit the Noel Studio website at or call 859-622-7330.

Full Syllabus Recommendation:

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity is a free, resource for the EKU community, including graduate and undergraduate students.

The Noel Studio’s primary service is the individual or group consultation: a trained consultant will spend 60 minutes (appointment) or 25-30 minutes (walk-in) with you (an hour is preferable if your project is longer than five pages or the equivalent for presentations and multimedia or if you are working with a group) reviewing your project and discussing your ideas. You can bring your work to the Noel Studio at any point in the communication-development process, even if you don’t have anything substantial yet. Your visit will be most helpful if you take the time to:

Prepare questions/ideas/strategies in advance: Identify specific questions/ideas/strategies that will guide your research and thinking about the project while you're in the Noel Studio.

Prepare to participate in the consultation: The Noel Studio is designed as a collaborative and creative space for learning. Thus, you will actively discuss your project with the consultant and take part in invention techniques and activities.

Allot time to revise and reflect after you leave the Noel Studio: Identify the possibilities raised during the consultation that are helpful to you and leave enough time to use the Noel Studio space to reflect on and refine your project and ideas.

Revise and rethink: The Noel Studio is intended to support multiple learning styles. Use invention and practice spaces at the Noel Studio to rethink critical aspects of your project.

The Noel Studio will help with projects in any subject, including traditional essays, research papers, proposals; out-of-class projects such as scholarship applications, graduate school applications, and business letters; multimedia such as digital narratives, videos, podcasts, and online portfolios; and oral presentations, conference talks, and panel presentations. After each consultation, you will receive verification of your visit and a summary of what was discussed.

It is best to make an appointment; however, the Noel Studio welcomes walk-ins.

You may use Noel Studio resources, such as computers, video equipment, monitors, and software without an appointment. Please remember that the Noel Studio does not write, proofread, or grade projects.

For more information or to make an appointment, visit the Noel Studio website at or call 859-622-7330.

GROUPS: If you are working on a group project, please have all members come to the Noel Studio when you visit for your consultation. Please have all group members sign in at the kiosk.

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