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Consultant Alumni Interview: Brianna Mauk

Brianna Mauk

Brief bio: Brianna completed her degree in Technical Writing from EKU in 2011. Following graduation, Brianna completed her Masters degree in Rhetoric & Composition from Ohio University. Currently, she is a first-year doctoral student in Rhetoric & Writing at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. When she’s not in class, teaching class, or reading/writing, Brianna enjoys playing piano, drawing, and bonding with her dog Bruno. Brianna worked as a Noel Studio consultant during its inaugural year.

Could you discuss your current role? 

Currently, I’m a PhD student at Bowling Green State University’s Rhetoric & Writing program—and loving it! Both EKU and BGSU are places where I feel at home, which is so important. I’m lucky to work with talented and supportive mentors, and I’m getting to study my passions. I’m interested in technology and pedagogy, especially on Twitter. Lately, I’m developing an interest in my Appalachian heritage and rhetoric.

What led you to this phase of your educational career?

This has been a long journey, and a PhD has been my goal since junior high. Every single day, I get a bit closer to earning my PhD. I love to learn, and apply my unique knowledge and experiences whenever I can. Every assignment, lecture, and class I teach/take is a new adventure. I feel like I’m making a difference in my field, and that’s a wonderful reward!

How did your experience and training as a consultant in the Noel Studio prepare you for your current role? What skills did you learn in the Noel Studio that have been helpful for you in your education/career?

As a consultant in the Noel Studio’s inaugural year, I got to experience something very special. I still remember getting the phone call for an interview! I learned that creativity is universal no matter the subject matter, and that we all have something unique to offer. Working at the Noel Studio gave me experience working with all kinds of students from all sorts of backgrounds and specialties. I feel I can connect with my students based on the skills I learned at the Noel Studio, and my training means that I strive to bring creativity and innovation to whatever I’m working on.

Do you remember any specific events/consultations that prepared you for the future?

When I first began consulting, I was afraid to say “I don’t know.” But once I learned that was okay, I saw that “I don’t know” is really an opportunity to learn! Still, whenever my consultees heard me say that, the looks on their faces were priceless.

How did consulting in the Noel Studio help shape your career goals? Short-term (3-5 years) and long-term (5-10+ years)?

The Noel Studio affirmed what I already thought I wanted to achieve, both short and long-term. I enjoyed working with students at the Noel Studio so much that I decided to make a career of it. The Noel Studio gave me the confidence and support to apply for graduate school. My colleagues were there for hugs when I got rejected from a couple programs, and there to celebrate when I finally got into one. While I might be a few hundred miles away working hard, I always remember that the Noel Studio is where I first got to practice being a teacher, colleague, and mentor. I wouldn’t trade my experiences at the Noel Studio for anything.

What’s the most interesting project you plan to be involved in (or are involved in) at your current institution?

Currently, one of my seminar classes is working on a digital curation project to represent the history of BGSU’s writing program. We are in the process of gathering materials (such as blackboards, ink wells, archived essays, etc.) and working with the university library to digitize selections and write accompanying  information for our website. I’m excited for this project because I get to apply my digital design skills, work with my peers, and learn about the history of my program.

Are you currently conducting any academic research?

Right now, I am not conducting my own research. However, I conducted a pilot survey study while in my Master’s program at Ohio University (Athens). I surveyed freshman English classes about their use of digital tools in the classroom, and how students would prefer to use digital tools in the classroom. In short, I discovered that YouTube is the most popular digital tool in the classroom, and that students would prefer more integration of social networking in the classroom. These results inspired my focus of study in my doctoral work—Twitter! As I narrow the scope of my dissertation, I’m excited to develop further original academic research.

What advice would you give to current consultants?  Any advice for future consultants?

My advice is to have fun with the job, and look for innovative ways to assist students. Take opportunities from the Noel Studio to learn new technology. Think of EKU students as colleagues, and work together—what can you learn from each other? 

Published on May 06, 2014

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