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Consultants and Students Present on “Process of Creation”

Consultants and Students Present on “Process of Creation”

The Noel Studio, in collaboration with EKU Libraries, hosted a panel of presenters, which included consultants and students. These presentations offered perspectives on the “process of creation.” Presenters discussed their own creative processes through the lens of brainstorming, technology, and collaboration.

While each student took his or her own approach and applied media specific to his or her own perspectives, all presentations helped audience members understand:

1.     Why we choose to be creative

2.     How we decide what our creative pursuits will be

3.     How we acquire the knowledge and skills to be creative

4.     How we choose the best approach for a creative activity and

5.     What should be the desired outcome of our creativity (or creative process)

Presenters discussed a variety of topics. Christopher Foley, a graduate student in English, kicked the event off with his presentation entitled "Confidence and the Creative Process: Building Confident, Creative Academic Writers," a discussion of creativity in the composing process.

Next, Hannah Zimmerman, a junior American Sign Language and English Interpretation major, discussed “Taking Risks: Embracing Play in the Creative Process,” which highlighted reasons that we should embrace risk in our creative lives.

Morgan Robinson, a student in Dr. Russell Carpenter’s CRE 490 Creativity Independent Study course this spring, used the nine creative strategies discussed in Sweet, Carpenter, Blythe, and Apostel’s Teaching Applied Creative Thinking and offered examples of how they might be used in a variety of settings in her presentation entitled, “Creative Comfort Zone.” Morgan has also maintained a blog this spring by the same name.

Tori Johnson, a senior double majoring in Communication Studies and English Technical Writing, presented “Flashing Creativity” based on her work with Flash animation while studying digital rhetoric.

Zac Lewis, a graduate student in English, explored “The Physics of Creativity” through a creatively designed Prezi.

Finally, Kourtney Chrisman, a junior majoring in Political Science and History, presented “The Path to Creativity,” highlighting the creative benefits of Prezi. 

Contact Information

Dr. Russell Carpenter

Published on April 21, 2013

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