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December Consultant of the Month

December Consultant of the Month

As consultant Alex Smiley prepares for graduation, we honor her for her exceptional service to the Noel Studio.

Alex is a senior Public Relations major from Winchester, Kentucky. In addition to serving as a consultant in the Noel Studio, she also serves as secretary of the Public Relations Student Society of America. Alex enjoys knitting and going to theatre productions in her spare time. She also enjoys reading, especially Nicholas Sparks novels.

In her time here at the Noel Studio, Alex has loved being a consultant because she gets to help people and develop new and creative ideas. Through doing so many consultations, she has gained a plethora of knowledge from all the papers she has read. The Noel Studio has become a second home to Alex because she loves the atmosphere and that there are no crazy ideas. 

Alex strongly believes that everyone should come to the Noel Studio because it can never hurt to have a second pair of eyes. A new look on creativity and collaboration can make any project even better. If you get stuck on on your idea, come work on a new one at the Noel Studio!

Published on December 07, 2011

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