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Dr. Dee Fink Faculty Development Workshop

Dr. Dee Fink

Friday, February 21st, EKU’s Office of the Provost, the Noel Studio, and TLC are jointly sponsoring a two-hour faculty development workshop on designing a successful course. The workshop for faculty will be held from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in Perkins Quads A, B, C and D. Dr. Dee Fink, professional consultant in higher education and author of Creating Significant Learning Experiences will lead the workshop, sharing his integrated approach to designing college courses. Dr. Dee Fink has invested significant time and work as the founding director of the Instructional Development Program at the University of Oklahoma and over the past ten years has consulted with over 200 colleges and universities in the United States and 14 other countries.

To attend, faculty must pre-register online. The first 75 faculty who register for this workshop will receive a free copy of his book, Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses.

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to submit a syllabus to Dr. Fink and his associates to receive feedback on course design as well as a certificate for the redesign of courses that include significant learning experiences. Please send questions to Becky Grandgeorge 859-622-7403.

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Contact Information

Becky Grandgeorge

Published on February 10, 2014

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