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Latest Noel Studio Research Examines Faculty Writing

Noel Studio Research Examines Faculty Writing

The latest issue of the Journal of Faculty Development, to be edited by Dr. Russell Carpenter beginning with issue 30 in 2016, examines increased expectations of faculty members when it comes to writing for publication.

Issue 29(3) features a look at the flattening, over over-extension, of faculty members who feel pressure to submit manuscripts for publication. At many institutions throughout the country, publication standards have increased. With these increased expectations, many faculty authors are submitting an increased number of articles for review and consideration among a variety of regional and national journals. What does this development mean for quality over quantity, when academic institutions seem to reward both?

This article takes a look at recent trends and makes several observations on the quality and quantity of manuscripts coming through the review process in our most popular journals.

Through its faculty development initiatives, the Noel Studio offers faculty writing and communication consultations on an individual and small-group basis. 

Contact Information

Russell Carpenter

Published on October 01, 2015

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