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Learn More About the Writing Fellows Program

Learn More About the Writing Fellows Program

The Writing Fellows program at Eastern Kentucky University, which has revolutionized composition courses across campus, has found a home in the academically engaging atmosphere of the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity.  Created as a key component of the Noel Studio’s goal of improving critical thinking and strengthening student writing skills at the university, the Writing Fellows program has become a productive component of first-year writing classes at EKU.


Writing Fellows provide course-based feedback to first-year writing students with the goal of developing process-oriented and reflective approaches to writing in addition to critical thinking skills.  In particular, Writing Fellows help students develop important strategies such as brainstorming and outlining, while providing individualized feedback to students on strategies for constructing well-developed essays, which meet course requirements, while also drawing upon the student’s prior knowledge of their chosen topics.  Working in collaboration with their assigned instructor, Writing Fellows are a pivotal component of the Noel Studio’s efforts to support first-year students.  


During the fall 2015 semester, the Noel Studio will embed Writing Fellows in 17 courses, including ENG 101, ENG 101R (reading intensive), and ENG 095. Writing Fellows will provide specific feedback to students in these courses through individual and small-group consultations in the Noel Studio, interactive in-class workshops and peer-review sessions, and ongoing feedback related to writing in college. Read more about the Writing Fellows program at EKU. 

Published on August 25, 2015

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