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NEA Article Discusses Teaching for Deep Learning

NEA Article Discusses Teaching for Deep Learning

How do we promote deep learning in the classroom? Is it possible to teach for deep learning? The latest article published by the Noel Studio, featured in the September 2015 issue of the NEA Higher Education Advocate, explores these questions about promoting learning in our classrooms.

The article proposes use of the Four Rs: Receive, Retrieve, Rate, and Reflect. The article offers examples from the Noel Studio’s own CRE 201 Creativity and Innovation course from spring 2015, offered as part of the Minor in Applied Creative Thinking.

The Noel Studio continues its focus on innovative teaching and learning this fall with student and faculty events focused on metacognition. Students and faculty are encouraged to register online for the October 29 and 30 events.  

Published on October 05, 2015

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