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Noel Studio’s Minor in ACT Featured in New York Times

CRE 101 Students Develop Creative Games in the Noel Studio

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity’s Minor in Applied Creative Thinking, co-founded in 2012 by Drs. Russell Carpenter, Charlie Sweet, and Hal Blythe, was featured in the New York Times. The article, entitled Learning to Think Outside the Box: Creativity Becomes an Academic Discipline,” appeared in the popular Education Life section on Sunday, February 9 and is also available via the New York Times online.

The Noel Studio offers courses in Applied Creative Thinking each year. The Introduction to Applied Creative Thinking course is offered each fall semester, while the CRE 305 course, which focuses on the research process in creativity, is being offered during spring 2014.

Students interested in enrolling in the Minor in Applied Creative Thinking can contact program director, Dr. Russell Carpenter. For more information, visit our information page that explains courses and curriculum

Published on February 09, 2014

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