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Noel Studio Appreciation Night

Celebrating the talent and hard work of our wonderful employees!

Scholarship Week has come and gone, one of the defining events of the Spring semester. It officially ran from April 12-19 and included too many departments, groups, and people to list here and now, with events taking place all over the EKU campus.


It was in the midst of this activity that we at the Noel Studio took a moment to look inward at our own department to recognize the talent, hard work, and dedication from the employees that help make the Studio such a vibrant place. We took this time to recognize three student employees whose dedication and efforts will be forever appreciated:


LeAnn Stokes Award for Commitment to Student Success through Excellence in Consulting:

Rachel Winter


Ron and Sherrie Lou Noel Award for Excellence in Service to Noel Studio Success:

Emily Hensley


Cooper-Robinson Award for Leadership:

Tori Johnson

Thank you all so much for you hard work! 

Contact Information

Jason Peerce

Published on April 23, 2015

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