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Noel Studio Collaborates with Williamsburg Independent Schools to Provide Consultations

Williamsburg Students Gather for ITV Consultations

During the spring 2013 semester, Noel Studio consultants collaborated with students at Williamsburg Independent Schools to provide feedback on their presentations. Students delivered brief “What If” presentations in front of peers at their campus in Williamsburg, KY, and via ITV for consultants stationed at the Noel Studio in Richmond, KY. Noel Studio consultants undergo a rigorous training process to learn strategies for responding to a variety of communication projects, including those that integrate oral, written, visual, nonverbal, and multimodal elements. As such, they have a valuable perspective, offering encouragement to students and points of reflection for further revision. The Williamsburg students will spend the next week revising based on consultant feedback and deliver their final presentations for their teachers in class. 

Teachers at a variety of levels also benefit from these consultations and the questions posed by consultants and students. Consulting multimodal communication projects is an ongoing point of professional development as Williamsburg continues to integrate a new written and oral communication curriculum.  Through these collaborative sessions, teachers hear and reflect on the questions and suggestions posed by consultants. 

Feedback from the consultants focused on the integration of text and visual elements, oral and nonverbal communication skills, as well as honing important rhetorical decisions as students consider their audience, purpose, and context for designing communication. 

The Noel Studio offers consultations from highly trained graduate and undergraduate students on an hourly basis in EKU’s nationally innovative Noel Studio. 

Contact Information

Dr. Russell Carpenter

Published on April 25, 2013

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