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Noel Studio Consultants and Staff Present at IWCA

Noel Studio Consultants and Staff Present at IWCA

Noel Studio graduate consultants presented their research at the recent International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) conference held in Pittsburgh, PA, chaired by Dr. Russell Carpenter, Director of the Noel Studio. The conference attracted more than 800 attendees from around the world.

Sarah Ferry and Emily Hensley delivered a panel entitled "Cultivating Collaboration: The Evolution of Peer Review Workshopping at Noel Studio." Their research examined the development and reshaping of peer review workshops at the Noel Studio. They used original research on student perception, instructor involvement, environment, and student comprehension of writing concepts to explore common challenges in peer review implementation. The presenters discussed the Noel Studio’s evolving approach to this workshop, which now employs more effective practices and ultimately aims to foster greater student collaboration for future, instructor-led peer reviews as well. 

The Noel Studio's Coordinators and Director also presented sessions at the conference, including a workshop that outlined recent research into the creativity process to be featured in the fall 2015 special issue of Across the Disciplines

Published on October 11, 2015

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