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Noel Studio Consultants Attend IdeaFestival 2013

Noel Studio Consultants at IdeaFestival

The Noel Studio’s Leslie Valley, Chris Foley, Meghan Robinson and Hannah Zimmerman joined a network of over 600 curious minds at the annual IdeaFestival held in Louisville on September 24th – 28th. IdeaFestival is a gathering of individuals celebrating creativity, innovation and curiosity who are intrigued by how ideas can shape our future. Many renowned speakers with unique backgrounds, from the co-creator of twitter to human rights activists, presented their ideas on creating change. After listening to the presenters speak passionately about their diverse disciplines and participating in thought provoking sessions, consultants left the IdeaFestival feeling a sense of connectedness and inspiration to bring back new innovative ideas into the Noel Studio and their own studies.

When asked to share her experience at IdeaFestival, Meghan Robinson, graduate student in English explained, “I was in awe of the accomplished and insightful people I got to listen to.”

In reflecting on her experience, Hannah Zimmerman, a senior American Sign Language and English Interpretation majorsaid, “The art of innovation and creative success depends on the ability to keep a mind open to connecting things that may seem in-connectable. Like all good design, innovative ideas are purposeful while remaining aesthetic: they do not exist because something can be done, but because it should be done.”

The consultants were grateful for the opportunity to go to IdeaFestival given to them by the Council on Postsecondary Education who funded their cost of the conference. Consultants want to encourage students to stay curious!

Contact Information

Dr. Rusty Carpenter

Published on October 09, 2013

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