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Noel Studio Encouraging “Process of Creation” Student Presentations

creative process

The Noel Studio, in collaboration with EKU libraries, is coordinating student presentations for the Live @ Your Library week. Student presentations will take place on Wednesday, April 17 from 2-3:30pm in the Library’s R&I Classroom, 204D.

Students from across campus are encouraged to give presentations that investigate various aspects of the creative process—from play to invention—in their own lives.

Presentations will be no longer than 10 minutes and can involve creative interpretations of the theme, offering opportunities for audience members to interact and participate. Audience members will be encouraged to ask questions of the student presenters in addition to considering ways for the presentations to inform teaching and learning on campus at EKU.

Interested presenters can visit

Participants are encouraged to tweet to us live before, during, and after the event using @noelstudio or #LYL2013.

Contact Information

Dr. Rusty Carpenter

Published on March 21, 2013

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