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Noel Studio Examines Creativity Pedagogies Across Disciplines in New Article

Noel Studio Examines Creativity Pedagogies Across Disciplines in New Article

The Noel Studio is known for its groundbreaking research on creativity and applied creative thinking. Leaders in the program have published widely in this important area, and the research has enhanced teaching and learning at EKU.

In 2011, leaders in the program founded the New Forums Press Applied Creative Thinking book series. Since that time, the program has also founded an article series and authored annual contributions to the National Teaching and Learning Forum focused on teaching and learning applications of creative thinking.

The Noel Studio’s December 2015 article entitled “Creative Thinking for 21st Century Composing Practices” is featured in the peer-reviewed journal Across the Disciplines: A Journal of Language, Learning, and Academic Writing. The article examines the history of creativity pedagogy across the disciplines and offers recommendations for integrating creativity into writing focused pedagogies.

In 2016, the Noel Studio will also have a follow-up chapter featured in the collection entitled The Future Scholar: Researching & Teaching the Frameworks for Writing and Information Literacy collection focused on applications of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and Writing Program Administrators (WPA) Frameworks, which are important in the Noel Studio’s professional development and training.

For more information about applied creativity programming at EKU, please visit the Noel Studio’s Minor in Applied Creative Thinking

Contact Information

Dr. Russell Carpenter

Published on December 31, 2015

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