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Noel Studio Helps to Graduate Successful Students

Noel Studio Helps to Graduate Successful Students

Each year, the Noel Studio brings in a new cohort of graduate and undergraduate students as consultants. While working as consultants in the Noel Studio, these highly trained students also hone written, oral, visual, and multimodal communication while also sharpening their information literacy skills. Consultants also gain important critical and creative thinking skills that give them a range of perspectives on communication design.

This year, Noel Studio consultants will employ the skills developed and honed in the space in a number of different professional and academic venues after graduation. Many Noel Studio Alumni have plans to pursue Master’s and Doctoral degrees in a diverse range of disciplines. Some pursue academic careers as professors and writing center, communication center, or studio administrators. This year, consultant alumni will pursue doctorates in Texts & Technology at the University of Central Florida and English at Middle Tennessee State University among others.

Noel Studio consultant alumni often report that their time honing communication skills in the Noel Studio has helped shape their EKU experience. 

Contact Information

Dr. Russell Carpenter

Published on May 06, 2013

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