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Noel Studio Research Focuses on Innovation in the Flipped Classroom

Noel Studio Research Focuses on Innovation in the Flipped Classroom

Flipping the classroom is a popular pedagogical approach for designing classroom environments that encourage interactivity and problem-based learning situations. During time spent face-to-face in class, students engage in interactive activities. Students often spend time outside of class reviewing content delivered digitally or online such as video presentations. Faculty at many universities across the country and internationally have implemented flipped approaches as a method for increasing student learning and enhancing classroom experiences.

Noel Studio research published in Best Practices for Flipping the College Classroom, recently released by Routledge, focuses on innovations in the flipped classroom. The study examines differences in flipped and traditionally delivered creativity courses. This research provides a systematic examination of the flipped classroom along with strategies for designing and implementing assignments and class materials. 

Faculty members interested in student learning innovations or flipped classroom designs can contact the Noel Studio for more information. 

Published on July 20, 2015

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