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November Consultant of the Month

November Consultant of the Month- Erin Leigh

The Noel Studio’s November Consultant of the Month, senior, Erin Leigh is pursuing a double major in English and French with a focus in creative writing. She hopes to continue her education in earning her M.F.A. in Creative Writing.

Erin is involved in EKU’s Honors Program, Whitlock Scholars Program and the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Also, she works as an editor for Aurora, EKU’s literary and arts journal.

Erin approaches consultations from the perspective of a teammate, working to improving the student’s communication skills through providing feedback and encouragement. She loves working as a consultant because she is able to see a student who may be struggling, develop an understanding in only an hour.

When talking with one of the students Erin has consistently worked with throughout the semester, she described Erin’s value as a consultant, explaining the significance of her background in creative writing, the time she dedicates to each student, her unique eye for detail and focus she places on the student’s concerns. Further, as a student with English as her second language, she appreciates Erin’s ability to explain the rules of English in a way that is easy to understand and apply.

Come to the Noel Studio and schedule a consultation with Erin today!

Contact Information

Dr. Rusty Carpenter

Published on November 13, 2013

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