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October Consultant of the Month

October Consultant of the Month

Meet Kara Lairson, aka The Karadactyl.

Kara is a second year graduate student from Lexington, Kentucky. She is working toward completing her Masters in English with an emphasis in American Literature.

She enjoys hot yoga, running, traveling, cooking, and blogging about fitness and cooking. Her glasses are named "Costello".

Why Kara loves working at the Studio:

"I love helping students find and utilize their ideas in their projects. Students come in sometimes not knowing their direction and having a hand in the discovery of their voice and their purpose is incredibly fulfilling. Aiding students in finding the "lightbulb"  is one of the most coveted moments of my life at this point. There's also a lot of free food involved and it looks great on a resume. ;)"

Haven't come to the Studio yet? Here's why Kara says you should:

"I know it seems incredibly scary to walk through the doors of the Studio, place your paper in front of a peer, and brace yourself for constructive criticism, but it is so worth it. There is no shame in seeking help, especially if it is a subject in which you struggle. Everyone who works here wants nothing more than to watch someone succeed; working here is not about pointing out someone's flaws in their communication-- it is about identifying your strengths and building on those aspects of your communication to make your paper, project, or presentation the absolute best. It's on campus, it's free, and it will benefit you! What's stopping you?"

Published on October 05, 2011

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