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Public Speaking Competition Goes National

Public Speaking Competition Goes National

Twelve students competed in a standing-room-only crowd at the second semi-annual Noel Studio Public Speaking Award Competition on Friday, April 20.

This year’s competition was held in the Greenhouse at the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity in conjunction with the National Association of Communication Center’s Conference (NACC).

The hour-long competition was open to students from across the disciplines at Eastern Kentucky University as well as students from universities represented at NACC.

Donny Watson, a student at the College of Southern Nevada, won first place in the competition. His speech on sexual preference in the military was first presented in COM 101 – Oral Communication. His nominating instructor is Dr. Luke LeFebvre.

In addition to winning the award for best speech, Watson also won a $100 gift certificate provided by Pearson, Inc.

The competition began last year as part of the Noel Studio’s recognition of the importance of oral communication skills.

“Students are often required to speak in classes as part of their coursework,” said Noel Studio Director Dr. Russell Carpenter. “We enjoy celebrating the best speeches from across the disciplines with this competition.”

To participate, students needed to be nominated by a professor. Speeches were limited to five minutes and topics were open.

The event was coordinated by the Noel Studio’s Communication Coordinator, Dr. Shawn Apostel. Speeches were judged by the Noel Studio Research Coordinator Trenia Napier, Writing Coordinator Leslie Valley, and Apostel.

Each speech was evaluated using the Noel Studio’s integrated approach to composition and communication: critical and creative thinking, presentation style, word choice, organization, quality of sources and in-speech citation, and integrated use of (high or low) technology.

The Noel Studio will host the competition again at the end of the fall 2012 semester. We invite potential participants and nominating instructors to check for more information about future events.

Published on April 23, 2012

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