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Screen-Recording and Basic Video Editing Workshop

Chris Daniel

On January 30th, the Noel Studio hosted a workshop on Screen Recording and Basic Video Editing led by Chris Daniel, EKU’s Professional Development Administrator. Faculty from across campus representing a variety of departments joined Chris to learn ways to enhance their teaching by incorporating innovative technology into their curriculum.

One of the latest trends in education is the idea of “flipping the classroom.” In contrast to the traditional style of teaching, lecturing in class and having students do book work at home, students are first introduced to material outside of class through reading or online materials such as videos, tutorials and lectures.

In the workshop, participants learned to use Camtasia, a screen-recording tool used to design online modules. With Camtasia, students are able to access videos, lessons, and lectures made by their professors outside of class. The “flipped classroom” approach provides students with information before class so that time spent in class is devoted to higher-order thinking and interaction.

The Noel Studio continues to provide EKU’s faculty opportunities to learn about innovative teaching styles. Faculty may pre-register onlineto attend the Teaching Creatively workshop in March led by Drs. Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe and Rusty Carpenter.

Contact Information

Becky Grandgeorge

Published on February 17, 2014

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