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Special Issue Examines Social Media in Teaching & Learning

Special Issue Examines Social Media in Teaching & Learning

The 29(2) special issue of the Journal of Faculty Development focused on teaching and learning with social media. While many students are familiar with the personal uses of social media and even use popular sites to coordinate with other students and collaborate, teaching uses are still in development. Faculty members have begun experimenting with the use of social media in their classrooms, some with great success. Regardless, the use of social media in the classroom remains an important topic.

This special issue examines the opportunities and challenges of teaching and learning with social media in an attempt to articulate some of the best practices for incorporating these platforms into the classroom. In addition, scholars from around the country offer research methods and scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) approaches to understanding the role of social media in their curriculum.

New Forums Press, a title sponsor of the 2015 Pedagogicon, made copies of the special issue available to participants. A limited number of copies remain for faculty and students interested in teaching and learning with social media at EKU.  Please contact Dr. Russell Carpenter to request a copy.

The Noel Studio will host a workshop on integrating social media into the classroom as part of the fall 2015 Teaching and Learning Innovation series on Thursday, October 22, 11:30am - 1:00pm, in Breakout 3. 

Published on July 27, 2015

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