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Evaluate Information

As you find information, you need to review and evaluate that information for quality and relevency. A clearly, well-defined topic allows you to quickly eliminate irrelevant information; if you developed a TQR, revisit it as you review your information sources to determine the relevancy of that information to your topic.

Evaluating the quality of your information requires you put your critical and creative thinking skills to use.

EKU Libraries has developed the following basic criteria - based on the work of Paul & Elder - for evaluating information:

Accuracy - content is grammatically correct, verifiable and cited when necessary

Author – defines who created the content, the individuals or group's credentials/expertise and provides contact information

Currency - information is current and updated frequently

Fairness – content is balanced, presenting all sides of an issue and multiple points-of-view

Relevance - content is relevant to your topic or research

For more help evaluating information, select the image above and expand it, check out the EVALUATE tab on this EKU Libraries subject guide, or schedule a Noel Studio Consultation.

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