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About the Space

The Noel Studio space is designed to help you think critically and creatively about your communication projects. 

What can I do at the Noel Studio?

  • Work alone, in small groups, or with a highly trained consultant to brainstorm, draft, or refine communication projects in an interactive, high-energy environment.
  • Adjust multiple high-tech and low-tech spaces to accomodate diverse learning styles, communication projects, and collaborative groups.
  • Move furniture to create your own ideal environments for designing effective communication.

How can I use different Noel Studio spaces for my communication projects?

Breakout Spaces: accomodate groups (5-7 people) and feature a computer workstation, large monitor, camera, and a whiteboard

  • Reserve with or without a consultant to plan and refine group communication projects
  • Rehearse and record group presentations
  • Reduce speech anxiety by inviting a few friends or classmates to act as your audience as you practice an individual speech

Practice Rooms: accomodate individuals or small groups (2-3 people) and feature a computer workstation, large monitor, camera, and a whiteboard

  • Reserve with or without a consultant to plan and refine individual communication projects
  • Rehears and record individual presentations

Media Wall: large monitor, dual monitors, and laptop connectivity

  • Interact with multiple components of your communication projects at once on large, touch-screen monitors and smaller dislplay screens
  • Bring a laptop to connect to one of the smaller, additional screens and use in collaboration with the large, touch-screen monitor to allow contributions from all group members
  • Design, create, and share effective visual aidsusing large monitors

Invention Space: wall-to-wall whiteboards, manipulatives, copycam

  • Brainstorm ideas visually on wall-to-wall dry-erase boards
  • Collaborate with peers in small and large groups
  • Outline and organize essays on the CopyCam dry-erase board, then print or save an image of your work
  • Use low-tech manipulatives--like Legos, Play-Doh, and writeable, magnetic tiles--to design creative prototypes or "think with your hands"
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