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Noel Studio Workshops

The Noel Studio is now accepting workshop requests for Spring 2016. Submit your request here. If you have questions or concerns, please contact

If none of these workshops address your students' needs, consider collaborating with us to design an approach to a specific lesson or topic.

Citation & Documentation: MLA | APA | Chicago/Turabian Style: This hands-on workshop will provide practice with the basic rules of MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian citation styles.

Designing Research Posters: In this workshop, students will identify the purpose of a research poster, learn the basics of visual rhetoric, and brainstorm ideas for their own posters.

Developing a Thesis Statement: In this workshop, students will learn the basic elements of a thesis statement, analyze examples, and workshop their own thesis statements with immediate feedback.

Developing & Refining a Creative Topic: In this interactive workshop, participants will use crowdsourcing techniques to select, redesign, or flesh out their own research topics or practice with sample topics.

Preparing to Present: In this workshop, students will learn techniques to minimize and camouflage the side effects of presentation anxiety.

Incorporating Visuals into a Communication Project: In this workshop, students will learn how visual elements can serve a meaningful purpose; how to determine what type of visual is rhetorically appropriate; and how to experiment with visual resources.

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